That Moment ©FloTography on Flickr

That’s for the birds!

But I feel that bird. submitted by Charity Pece

Mala Justed
2 min readFeb 9, 2023


I feel that bird. I have been that bird. A free-flying form of life, blessed by God in his Words. But sadly, I was clinging to a man-made promise — the delusion — that if I could only be “less of a bird” I might get what I needed. What I craved. To survive in their world.

I spent years, flitting about, looking out for, and looking to man for sustenance. Mistaking that with my real quest. Wondering if anyone saw me and afraid what might happen if they did. Finding fear and disappointment. Hoping in, while simultaneously hiding, the nature I was made for. Longing to find something where it had never been found. No more than a crumb at best.

After a life of searching for meaning and the very essence of life through some twisted narrative “that’s for the birds”, I found nothing out there to please and appease me. Or even feed me. But I returned to search over and over. Something had been there. I’m sure. Just a crumb or two. Tossed generously or disdainfully or aimfully. But never with a promise for tomorrow.

I found little but the cold wind of reality. Where I flew — where I flailed and was failed and finally fell.

At last, I was grounded. When no man gave me what I craved, I was left alone. I fell back on my own nature and…



Mala Justed

A messed up person in a messed up world fighting to find which came first--the chicken or the egg? Thanks to @FloTography on Flickr.